Basic Windows Commands
Turn off Windows Firewall
Check status:
Inspect current profile:
Show rules:
Turn off:
Turn on:
Disable Real-time Monitoring
If it shows that it is managed by your organization, you may try:
To disable every single engine:
NTP Sync
To force NTP Sync:
Or use dirty trick:
Turn off UAC
To turn off UAC (restart is needed):
To turn on UAC (restart is needed):
Enable RDP
Mount a Drive
Search from a file with its name
Show folders, subfolders recursively
Download files on CMD
Check Scheduled Tasks
Installed Apps and Patch
Windows Update:
Enumerate Readable/Writable Files and Directories
accesschk.exe is from Sysinternal.
= suppress error, -w
= write access permission, -s
= recursive
We can use powershell as well:
Find Unmounted Disks
Enumerate Device Drivers and Kernel Modules
We can specifically target drivers based on their name by using Where-Object:
Enumerate Binaries that AutoElevate
On Windows, check the status of AlwaysInstallElevated registry - if set to 1 in either HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, any user can run Windows Installer packages with elevated privileges:
If we find any "1", we can craft an MSI file and run it to elevate our privileges.
Check signature
Can also check for opportunity for privilege escalation
autoelevate flag
List Services
List running services:
WMIC list service excluding path with "c:\windows"
Check Service Permissions
F (Full Access) M (Modify Access) RX (Read and Execute Access) R (Read-only Access) W (Write-only Access)
Check DC name
Use nslookup:
Find file
Search for files
Search for content
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